The Problem that we want to solve
The entire world is talking about being healthy and living a great lifestyle Yet, the representation and awareness of this community in our country is alarmingly low. We are determined to change that.
The entire world is talking about being healthy and living a great lifestyle Yet, the representation and awareness of this community in our country is alarmingly low. We are determined to change that.
The platform that brings together like-minded people, indulges in the latest news, has the most premium collection of merchandise, hosts the most vibrant events, offers a marketplace for cycles, and renders rental services online as well as at physical stores in different cities. It's a pure membership-based community driven platform.
At SpokeHerd, we are all bound by the simple pleasure of riding a bike, be it a beginner, intermediate, or advanced rider. We passionately promote cycling, a healthy lifestyle, great well-being, social responsibility, and environmental awareness. If you are looking to fill your life with the perfect blend of fun, fitness, and bonding, you have come to the right place!
We passionately promote cycling, a healthy lifestyle, social responsibility, and environmental awareness. Be a part of the most vibrant community; The Spoke Herd Community!
Free for 365 days, then
₹ 599 yearlyKey Benefits
JOIN NOW to be become a WHITE SPOKIE.
On Every engagement on SPOKEHERD PLATFORM, You will earn redeemable SPOKES
Free for 365 days, then usual fees apply.
Easily cancellable anytime, no questions asked!
₹ 999 yearly
Key Benefits
JOIN NOW to be become a RED SPOKIE.
On Every engagement on SPOKEHERD PLATFORM, You will earn redeemable SPOKES
₹ 2999 yearly
Key Benefits
JOIN NOW to be become a BLACK SPOKIE.
On Every engagement on SPOKEHERD PLATFORM, You will earn redeemable SPOKES